

Holiday Jazz Brunch persists because of two special women

With both hav­ing med­i­cal/health back­grounds, Drs. Ronda S. Henry-Till­man and Peb­bles Fa­gan couldn’t have been bet­ter choices to steer the an­nual Hol­i­day Jazz Brunch, a first-week­end-in-De­cem­ber tra­di­tion of the Lit­tle Rock Chap­ter of Links Inc., in the midst of a pan­demic. The women made sure that the vir­tual in­car­na­tion of the brunch, a two-day event Dec. 4-5, will hold all the ex­cite­ment of its pre­de­ces­sors.
With both hav­ing med­i­cal/health back­grounds, Drs. Ronda S. Henry-Till­man and Peb­bles Fa­gan couldn’t have been bet­ter choices to steer the an­nual Hol­i­day Jazz Brunch, a first-week­end-in-De­cem­ber tra­di­tion of the Lit­tle Rock Chap­ter of Links Inc., in the midst of a pan­demic. The women made sure that the vir­tual in­car­na­tion of the brunch, a two-day event Dec. 4-5, will hold all the ex­cite­ment of its pre­de­ces­sors.
(Arkansas Demo­crat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)

Drs. Ronda S. Henry-Tillman and Pebbles Fagan knew the show had to go on. And they had the brains, the heart and the courage to make it happen,

“The show,” being the annual Holiday Jazz Brunch ...