Arkansas Online


BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

Iceland took on Sweden in one of many Nordic battles during the 2010 European championships. Only 54 international match points were shared between the teams over 16 deals in this very close match, which ended with a narrow win for Iceland.

In the closed room on this deal, Thorlakur Jonsson had no problem making his 11 tricks in three no-trump after a diamond lead. Declarer simply made sure of his game by establishing his clubs, and then he squeezed Bjorn Fallenius, East, for his second overtrick.

Things were much more difficult in the open room, where Fredrik Nystrom made one of the championship’s best plays by a declarer. After a strong club auction where one diamond was a negative response, South showed a maximum hand with his call of three spades. North, perhaps expecting a fivecard suit from his partner, raised to game.

Declarer took the club three opening lead with the ace. A spade to the ace was followed by a club toward dummy, on which Sigurbjorn Haraldsson,

West, decided to discard the diamond four. Nystrom then ruffed a club with the spade jack and continued with his third trump to dummy’s king. Another club was ruffed with his last trump, setting up the suit.

Nystrom now played a diamond to dummy’s king and continued with winning clubs. Magnus Magnusson, East, could ruff when he wanted, but whenever he won his trump trick, he would be endplayed, forced to give away a trick in hearts. Excellent play for a flat board.

ANSWER: You cannot risk a one-club opening, which might end the auction, and in any event, you would surely never be able to catch up. It is best to get your hand off your chest with a call of two clubs, but first you must decide whether you will follow with a three-club call or a two-no-trump rebid.You do have robust holdings in each of your short suits, after all. I’d bid the clubs — you can still get to three no-trump from there.



