Arkansas Online

Look past the obvious

I totally agree with the recent letter from Stella Burgess about candidate Sarah Sanders’ idea to eliminate state income tax. Sounds great, but what’s the plan to replace it? She probably doesn’t have a clue—it just sounds good to say that. I’ll bet that idea came from Daddy, whose name she continues to use for obvious reasons. From what I can see, she’s done nothing on her own.

Instead of the rush to eliminate the income tax, I suggest that first, all the small, petty taxes be considered for elimination or reduction. How about finishing the elimination of the sales tax on food, or doing away with the annual personal property tax we pay on vehicles and other property forever? Or maybe the sales tax on used vehicles (sales tax was already paid once on all these vehicles) could be ended. And how about directing some of the tax revenue being generated from pot sales and new gambling operations to help replace these taxes? That’s revenue the state never had before. Is it being used wisely?

Yep, Sanders is only looking at what’s easy to say to get votes. A real leader needs to look past the obvious. Sanders is no leader.

JOYCE WILLIAMS North Little Rock



