Arkansas Online

Bylaw changes make airport panel’s agenda


Revisions to the bylaws of the Little Rock Municipal Airport Commission are set to come up for approval next month.

Commission members were presented with a draft of the revised bylaws for discussion purposes only during a meeting on Tuesday.

Bryan Malinowski, the airport’s executive director, recalled for commissioners that a workshop was held recently at the commission’s request. In it, officials identified areas in the bylaws where the roles of committees could be clarified, Malinowski said.

The draft that went before commissioners on Tuesday proposes no change to the overall structure of the commission, which is composed of seven members who serve five-year terms.

The new version adds a line under “Article I — Purpose of the Bylaws” that says, “The provisions contained in these Bylaws control and take precedence over any other policies and procedures to the extent such policies and procedures conflict.”

Currently, the four standing subcommittees of the commission are the lease/ consultant selection, personnel, finance and retirement committees.

The new version of the bylaws under consideration expands on the responsibilities of the lease/consultant selection committee compared to the current version.

According to the draft of the revised bylaws, the committee “shall have responsibility to review all contracts for professional services, construction, vendors, or concessionaires to be provided to [the airport] and such other matters as are delegated by the Executive Director or Chair.”

At the moment, the bylaws say the committee has the responsibility to review and recommend for approval “all contracts for professional services to be provided to [the airport] and such other matters as are delegated by the Chair.”

Under the draft bylaws, after reviewing an item, the committee is then to make a recommendation to the full commission. If an item requires more time, the committee can defer making a recommendation for up to 30 days, provided there is “no adverse consequence” to the airport as a result, the draft bylaws say.

In her presentation to the commission Tuesday, Amber Bagley, an attorney for the airport, told commissioners that the language on additional time arose out of the recent workshop.

Among other things, commission member Bill Walker raised questions about the addition of language pertaining to the authority of the airport’s executive director in the section on the responsibilities of the lease/consultant selection committee.

He also asked that adverse consequences be clarified with regard to what adverse might mean.



