Arkansas Online

Super Quiz: Forward and Backward

1. Joan has a collection of 33 ceramic ————. She plans to ———— collecting when she has 50 of them.

2. Joan is a chef and can give you good ———— about cooking. When roasting a pig, she puts it on a rotating ————.

3. Joan knows that ——— are flying mammals. But she could only make a ———— at naming any one type.

4. ———— are larger than mice. The sun is a ————.

5. The ———— is in the details. I have ———— in Texas all my life.

6. ———— are also known as streetcars or trolleys. He would be ———— to take a taxi.

7. She is not perfect, but he accepted her ———— and all. A ———— poll indicated that he was the favorite.

8. Although he was ———— as a person, he was asked to ———— the speech.

9. Joan changed the baby’s wet ————. Her kindness will be ————.



