Arkansas Online

Wedding and anniversary policy

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette publishes in the Sunday High Profile section announcements of engagements, weddings and anniversaries of couples married 50 years or more.

Basic announcements are free with the option to buy space for extra information and a photograph.

Publication is subject to submissions meeting deadlines as well as the judgment of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Only announcements regarding an Arkansas resident or those with family in the state will be considered.

FORMS — Engagement, wedding or anniversary announcements should be submitted on forms available on the Democrat-Gazette website at For those who prefer to work offline, PDFs of the basic announcement forms are available for download at the same webpage. For a paper or faxed copy, contact the wedding editor by telephone: (501) 378-3496; email:; or regular mail: Wedding Editor, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203.

FEATURED WEDDINGS — If you have family in Pulaski County and wish to be considered for a High Profile feature story, a completed engagement form must be submitted at least eight weeks before the wedding.

FEES — Basic announcements are free with the option to buy space for extra information and a photograph. See for information about upgrading an announcement for a fee.

DEADLINES — Engagement announcements must be submitted at least eight weeks before the wedding and two weeks before desired publication date.

■ Wedding announcements must be submitted at least two weeks before the wedding to run the Sunday after or no later than four weeks after the wedding.

■ Anniversary announcements should be submitted at least two weeks before the desired publication date.

High Profile


